2010-10-28 18:57:54 UTC
I was raised in Latin America and Europe. Now I am married to an american gentleman.
Halloween was never part of my culture and upbringing. Last year the maximum I did is to dress up and just go dancing with a group of friends and I think that was a big compromise with me even though I consider this celebration a participation with the pagan tradition of Middle Ages, which was more focused on doing good deeds for the devil so he would not harm people.
Unfortunatelly my husband is very mad at me this year and is acting deppressed acussing me to not letimg him decorate the house with scary stuff like death people, skulls, SPIDERS, etc. (did I mention I am aracnofobic and he knows that?) Also he is asking me why I would never go to a hunted house, watch horror movies or let him disguise himself as a gigantic spider with many of them on his face.
I was thinking to celebrate this time as a nice orangy colourful harvest time and decorate with pumpkins and flowers and stuff like that to show my emphaty and be polite, but he insists with his horrorific stuff.
I just do not know what to do. I am a christian who fears God and genuinly wants to honour him and I do not really think I would do that disguising myself as a devil or something horrific and I even fear that when we have kids my husband will try to force me or them into the horrour world.
I am so concerned...