Bag of Jelly Beans Costume
Time: 30 minutes
Effort: Quick and easy — no sewing required
Clear plastic garbage bag
Bag of multi-color balloons
Wrapping ribbon or bowtie
White clothing: tights or pants, and sweatshirt or turtleneck
Permanent marker
Clown wig (optional)
Instructions: Hold the plastic bag up to your child to measure where the arm and leg holes should be. Cut two leg holes out of the bottom and two arm holes out of the sides of the bag. Blow up the balloons. (Wait until the day of the Halloween event to do this. When inflating the balloons, remember not to inflate them to their full size.)
Your child should put on the white clothing, then slip the bag on. Put the balloons into the bag. Pull the top of the bag together around her neck, and seal it with ribbon. Tie the ribbon securely, but loosely. It should be tight enough to hold up the bag. If ribbon isn't available, use a colorful bowtie. For more color, add a clown wig.
Write in permanent marker on the front of the bag "Jellybeans 15 cents."