I need some REALLY REALLY scary stories?
2008-12-04 14:50:28 UTC
Okay,well i need some REALLY scary stories please. And please include the author or where you got it from please. =)
Nineteen answers:
2008-12-04 14:53:21 UTC
2008-12-04 14:57:16 UTC
dang i have some good ones too. hold on imma pull em up.

Here imma give you this one cuz it has more history behind it:

A few years ago a mother and a father decided they needed a break, so they wanted to head out for a night on the town. So they called their most trusted babysitter. When the babysitter arrived the two children were already fast asleep in bed. So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children. Later in the night, the babysitter got bored and so she wanted to watch tv but she couldnt watch it downstairs because they didnt have cable downstairs (the parents didnt want their children watching too much garbage) so she called them and asked them if she could watch cable tv in the parents room. Of course the parents said it was ok, but the babysitter had one final request. She asked if she could cover up the large clown statue in their bedroom with a blancket or cloth, because it made her nervous. The phone line was silent for a moment, and the father(who was talking to the babysitter at the time) said.....take the children and get out of the house.....we'll call the police...we dont have a clown statue.....

Creepy huh?? Google: Clown Statue or visit for some history on it. Apparently it really happened.
Ms. Bubbles
2008-12-04 14:55:16 UTC
I had a dog under my bed when ever I stayed at my Grandmothers lake home. I only had fleeting glances of it in the guest bedroom where I slept. Just out of the corner of my eye. I thought maybe it was a Lab - I was pretty young. When I'd stay the night in the summer, I could hear it panting from the heat. In the winter I could hear it stretch and it's claws scratching over the wood floor. In the morning it was always gone, even though the door was shut. I thought my Grandma let him out before I woke up. This happened only a few times. One time on the phone she asked me if I was coming over again. I asked about the dog. She said, "I never had a dog." So I didn't go back for several years.
Valdemar G
2008-12-04 18:11:54 UTC
check google and here is a scary story um ok there was i little girl and she walked a olone and one day a old lady saw and took her to a haunted house and then she trapped her in there a ghost came and told her BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwuxz and z
2008-12-04 14:55:37 UTC
OK here it goes.........YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!! jk

heres my real story

One time i like totally did this thing at this place and this person was there and somthing happend and if made me do somthing but then somone thought it was a adjative all righ
2008-12-04 14:53:32 UTC
It was not a dream... by Alexis

My parents split up when i was 7 years old, and before that they were always fighting and my dad would always sleep on the couch in the living room. Me, my 2 brothers and my sister use to sleep in the same room and witht he door open (for some stupid reason we thought having the door open was safer and less scary...LOL). When I was 6 years old, I woke up at around 11ish hearing footsteps (our floor was tiled). I looked outside of my bedroom. It was pitch black. I got out of my bed running walking to the lounge room in-search of my dad. I walked in and looked around at all of the couches. No-one was there. Then I felt a gust of freezing cold wind, even though all of the windows were closed and it was summer. I turned around and took one step. I all of a sudden fell to the floor and had a massive headache. I looked up and the whole room began to glow a red, then green, then pink color, and as I stared at the wall, little shapes of numbers showed up. It just kept on counting from 1 - 10, over and over again. I hobbled over to the kitchen and started running through it (it was like a long corridor with a big bench in the middle of it). Then I felt the wind again. I turned around and saw a black shadow on the other side of the kitchen. As soon as I looked at it, i felt really dizzy and slow, then i started to sweat. I started running to my room and hit a cupboard with a big lock on it. Seriously, I had never seen that cupboard in my life! and it was where my room was meant to be! scary stuff aye? Then I woke up in the morning on the floor infront of my room door. And the door was closed. Firstly, we never close our door and no-one would ever close the room door. And secondly... Big cupboard with a lock on it? I don't get it? That was the scariest moment in my life. The scary thing is, that when I told my brother this, he told me that he experienced the same thing but his was the night before it happened to me...
2008-12-04 14:53:37 UTC,-Heres-A-Really-Scary-Ghost-Story&id=797483
2008-12-04 22:46:37 UTC
how about the story of Hurricane Katrina. Its by some retatard named george bush.
2008-12-04 14:53:53 UTC
Check this site out. I think you'll like it!
Im a hott ♦otter♦
2008-12-04 14:53:30 UTC
GO look up "2012"

and tell everyone what people will think might happen.

Happy last 3 yrs.
2008-12-04 14:58:00 UTC
It was the fall of 1980. My girlfriend and I were driving home from seeing The Shining at the drive-in movie theatre. I really liked this girl, she was a really attractive blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. On our way I stopped the car in the woods a few miles outside of town, a little ways away from her house. We started to have a little fun in the backseat of my car. As things got steamier, she stopped me and said, "I think you better take me home. It's getting late." I knew I was pushing her, but with a girl this good-looking I couldn't help myself. When we had made our way back to the front seat, I started the car. There was only one problem. The car wouldn't start. Our minds began to race. How many things could happen to us out here in the middle of nowhere? I knew it was a couple of miles from any place to get gas. I told her if she would stay in the car I would make my way back to town to get some gas to get us home. We were both nervous and uncomfortable with the situation, but I told her if she would stay on the floor in the backseat and cover up with a blanket, so no one could see her if they looked in. I would be back as soon as I could.

As I started walking to get gas, I began to hear noises in the woods around me. Brushing them off as my imagination, knowing I was just spooked because of the movie we had just seen I kept on walking. But the farther I walked the more the noises became more distinct. I then started to see movements off in the woods. I was terrified. I could not go any farther. I turned around and started heading back to the car, but every step I took seemed to get a little faster, and soon enough I was running. I began to hear footsteps behind me. I tripped over a rock, and instantly there was intense pain piercing my shin. I felt like I had broken my leg. I frantically began looking in every direction around me. I could see nothing. I saw no one. A sense of relief came over me. I began to think about what I would do to get back to the car with my leg being the way it was when I felt a large thud.

I was beginning to get nervous because I knew he should easily be back at the car by now. With the wind blowing there began to be a faint scratching noise on the roof of the car. Trying to drown out the noise, I turned on the radio. I was listening to the music, with every minute that passed I was becoming more nervous about the situation. I couldn't just sit in the car and not know what was going on. I was growing terrified. My mind began to race about what could have happened tomy boyfriend. Was he ok? Did he make it to get the gas? How long till he would get back? My thoughts were interrupted by the damn branch scratching the car. I did not know what to do. The minutes had turned to hours. Should I get out and start to walk home? I decided to stay in the car. I began to doze off, but was woken up every so often from that damn branch. I decided if I was going to control my thoughts at all I would have to get rid of that branch. I cracked the door to the car, the whole time remembering my boyfriend's voice telling me to stay in the car. I stepped out of the car, and saw a gas can sitting next to the back tire. Where was he? I looked up to where the scratching noise was coming from. There he was. Hanging upside, with blood covering the top of the car. He was almost unrecognizable. His throat was slit, and was barely attached to his body. Sobbing, I scrambled to get back in the car, lying down under a blanket I thought. "I would not move for anything, or anyone."
Marcus G
2008-12-04 14:54:00 UTC
I made this story:

My friends, Brittany, Mark, and Gaby, decided we wanted to go to a haunted house on Halloween, but this attraction wasn’t opened to the public. The government hid this place from the eyes of the innocent, it was a secret no one had ever discovered until one day me and my friend, Gaby found it while hiking in the woods. It was a two story building flat roof top, made with a grey stone, but not bricks, almost like cement. There was a large metal door leading into the building. Above the rusted door was a series of letters that spelled out: Solomon’s Landing. There were no windows, and just one door. I tried doing some research on the building but nothing came up. Halloween was tomorrow and I wanted to explore the place, I intended to go inside. I asked a few of my friends and they agreed to go on this dangerous trip.

The next morning I took my camcorder, a notebook, a flashlight and a pencil. I was going to do some old fashioned researching. My friends and I planned to meet at the entrance to Shallow Woods around seven and I got there five minutes before seven. I waited almost 12 minutes before two of my friends came, Mark and Brittany. My other friend Gaby got there three minutes after. We entered the woods and hiked for 15 minutes until we got to the building. It looked even creepier then before, but I wasn’t stopping there. To my surprise the door was unlocked so we got in without a problem.

Inside of the building smelled like dead animals. It was dark and gloomy. Although there was a lamp in the ceiling we couldn’t find a light switch. I turned my camcorder on. In front of me was a large desk with a glass window surrounding it. Next to it was a metal door with a small glass window. I peered through the window and it was a long corridor with large windows and doors, there was a series of light bulbs hanging from the ceiling similar to a hospital. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I looked at the desk and found a small red button on a wooden panel sealed in a glass box. There was no way to get to the button, but to break the glass. We were not there to destroy anything, but we were too desperate to stop there. There was something about this building that made me want to go deeper and deeper. My best friend Mark went outside grabbed a large rock and tossed it through the window. The whole window shattered into a million pieces. Brittany reached for glass case, removed the case, and pressed the button. There was a small buzzing sound and then a click. The metal door was unlocked. I went in, and searched around. I found a light switch and turned flicked it. The lights turned on and soon the whole entire hallway was filled with a faint yellow glow. Each window I looked through had something different. They looked like torture devices. I was too shaky to even open one of the doors, everyone was. I looked at the camcorder while pointing it at one of the windows and in the camcorder I saw someone being tortured I looked up at the room with my own eyes and saw nothing but the device, I looked back down and still saw the person. I dropped the camcorder onto the hard cement floor. I asked Mark to look through it, the same as I did. He saw the same thing as I did. He gasped in shock. My heart was racing so much. I almost passed out. I was extremely shaky and couldn’t even hold the camcorder anymore. Brittany and Gaby looked on with Mark, in every single room there was something different. Another tortured soul trapped to relive the same moment over and over again. I took the camcorder back and pointed it down the corridor. There was a person walking towards us holding a machete. I looked with my own eyes and he wasn’t there. He was one of the spirits I thought to myself, he couldn’t do anything to us. I moved towards the back of the group. Mark was leading until I heard him scream. Alright, I yelled, we need to get the heck out of here. I ran back down the corridor with the two girls following. We could hear Marks scream echoing in the hallway. I turned the metal door knob but it wouldn’t budge. We were locked in! Soon the lights went out. I was panicking; sweat covered my face even though it was almost winter. I turned my camcorder on night vision mode, looked through it and saw the girl’s faces filled with fear and tears. Everything through the camcorder was a faint green, almost like I was wearing a dark pair of green shades. Everything was green, except for one thing. In the background, standing nearly twenty feet from the two frightened girl’s was a red figure walking slowly towards us. Gaby “I need you to hold the camcorder for me” I told her. She looked at the red figure. “Marcus, please, I don’t want to die here! There is something walking towards us!” Her voice was filled with fear. I smashed the window with my bare fists, reached over and tried to turn the knob. It still wouldn’t budge. I heard a shriek from behind me and felt blood being sprayed all over my back. At that
2008-12-04 14:52:53 UTC
One day, someone died! His life was over!
2008-12-04 14:53:18 UTC
look at a mirror and ur answer is solved
2008-12-04 14:52:47 UTC
its december time for fun and joy not scary crap its not halloween dumbo
2008-12-04 14:53:49 UTC
Once upon a time... there was man... his name... GEORGE BUSH!
2008-12-04 14:53:31 UTC
google it....youll fu=ind some pretty freaky s.hit

haha have fun!

if you get the chance...can you answer ming, please?
2008-12-04 14:53:28 UTC
2008-12-04 14:52:45 UTC
CHECK google !!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.