So what scares the Yahoo Answers Community?
2008-10-01 23:06:44 UTC
When we were children we were all afraid of the monster under our bed, the one under the stairs, in the basement, in the attic, and of course the bogeyman in the closet.

Now tell me, when you thought about your monster what came to mind? Was he/she/it big, small, slimy? Did it have sharp nails? Bloodshot eyes? Rancid breath? Did it ever speak to you?

Tell me about your "bump in the dark" monster, most detailed answer gets best answer!
Five answers:
2008-10-01 23:23:16 UTC
When I was a child I was deathly afraid of the bathtub at night. My mother used to tell us that if we didn't go to sleep she would make us sleep in the tub. It was a bluff, of course, but I didn't know that.

I used to have horrible nightmares about being made to sleep in the tub and having green oozing slime gurgle up from the drain. Then would come the roaches and the hairy spiders and centipedes, just about any nasty slimy creepy crawly you can think of. This slime creature/bug monster would ooze up my legs, holding me there so I couldn't escape, and slooowly move up my torso. I would feel tiny legs and feeling moving against my skin for hours afterward.

The creature would continue to ooze up and until only my chin and mouth were uncovered, then in that same slow slimy movement, it would ease into my mouth, smothering me even as it tickled my throat all the way down.

I'd wake up screaming (some nights) or breathless (others) and shivering. Always I'd feel that cold slime and those creeping legs. If I hadn't screamed down the house that night I'd go into my parent's room and lay on the floor beside my mother until I calmed down. I was in there a lot of nights without her ever waking.

When night time came again I stayed as far away from that tub as possible. I even went so far as to, when I went to use the toilet, draw the curtain so it couldn't see me and I couldn't see it.

ugh, I'm giving myself the shivers and a queasy stomach just remembering it.

BTW, in case your wondering why these dreams were so vivid, I used to have night terrors and was a very imaginative child.
2008-10-02 07:27:50 UTC
I was never really afraid of monsters...the closest thing to a monster I remember being afraid of was having a fear of hanging my feet off of my bed. I felt like someone was going to grab me. I have always just been afraid of seeing a ghost and being alone in the dark. Not too exciting, but true. ^^
Christian .
2008-10-02 09:32:20 UTC
Where I lived, there was a field surrounded on all sides (except the one facing the road) by thick woods that, as the sun went down in the late afternoon, obscured almost all the light. It was in a place called Coldwater Bottom because the fields along that area were fed by - you guessed it - a running spring that ran through the woods. All of my life, there had been rumors of a "creature" in Coldwater Bottom and one afternoon, some friends and I decided to go and see if we could find it.

And by find it, we meant sit in a car in the field and see if we could see it just wander up! We certainly wanted to see 'something' but we were mostly too scared to actually go into the woods in the late afternoon to find it! So, on this particular day, we sat in a small Chevett and waited for this mysterious creature to come lumbering by.

As the day passed and the sun dipped, myself and a friend in the back seat began talking about our Fall Dance plans and soon, all four of us were doing the same thing - the "creature" forgotten as the sun dipped even lower in the treeline behind the parked car. After a while, the two other guys (besides myself in the back seat) decided to go and "relieve themselves". No sooner were they out of the car and disappearing just inside of the woods, did my friend and I determine they were going to come screaming back to the car shouting about something they'd "seen".

Sure enough, a few moments later, these two guys came barrelling out of the woods, yelling as if the devil were after the two of them! They got into the car, locked the doors and the driver began working the gears and steering wheel to get us out of where we were. My friend and I in the back seat were NOT frightened...until I noticed my other friend in the passenger seat. He wasn't hysterical - he was very...very...quiet...and looking into the side mirror at the place they'd just come from.

"I see it." He said and the car went silent as a tomb.

Barely daring to turn in the seat, my female friend and I looked out of the hatchback glass to the treeline behind us and saw a dark shape moving along the darker shape of the trees. It could have been anything - even another tree - but whatever this thing was taller than the fully grown corn stalks that lined the woods-row.

The driver got the car started and we tore out of the field in Coldwater Bottom and to this very day, as an adult, when I drive by there on my trips in and out of town, I get shivers at the thought of what we all four saw that day.
2008-10-02 07:00:09 UTC
hmmm monsters, small, slimy, sharp nails, Bloodshot eyes, Rancid breath well the only 2 words come to mind McCain and
2008-10-02 06:10:15 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.